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Add: 8F, Building B15, Hi-Tech Medical Device Industrial Park, #818 Gaoxin Avenue, East Lake Development Zone, Wuhan 430075, China
Tel: +86-27-65317650
Email: info@gigaamedical.com

International Distributors

Therapy lasers USA : Aspen Laser

Add: 175 N 1800 W, Suite 108, Lindon, UT 84042
Website: www.AspenLasers.com
Phone: 877-782-7736 Fax: 844-587-4247

Plastic surgery, endolift, lipolysis and Gynecology exclusive distributor: Dermo Health

Phone: +52 55 3603 0265 Fax: +52 55 6257 9421
Add: Campeche 284, 1er Piso – Hipódromo Condesa – CP 06170 – CDMX
Website: https://dermohealth.mx

Vascular Surgery exclusive distributor: KEVORK

Phone: +52 81 8352 6788
WhatsApp: +52 55 4025 0841
http://kevork.mx    / FB Kevork
Av. Palacio de Justicia No. 888, Col. Anáhuac,
San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L., México, C.P. 66450

Therapy lasers
he Republic of Kazakhstan and CIS countries

Add: Gagarin Avenue, 258b1, 611 office Almagul m-n, Bostandyk district, Almaty, 050060/A15E5F3
Website: https://4clinic.kz
Phone: +7 (727) 310-24-29

Therapy lasers
Russian Federation ​

Paveletskaya embankment, 8 building 6, office 301
Danilovsky district, Moscow, 115114

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