Hook shot fiber

Hook shot fiber

prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treatment of the prostate. It has been specially and successfully developed for a safe and effective contact ablation of prostate with high-power laser.

Advantages of the Hook Shot Fiber™:
Working in contact mode: the Hook Shot Fiber™ optimizes the energy delivery in the procedure.
Resistant: > 375.000 J (Traditional side fibers withstand only up to 275.000 J).
Rapidity of surgery: with Hook Shot Fiber™ surgery is faster than with traditional side fibers.
Short learning curve: it’s the same surgical technique as TURP.
User friendly: the Hook Shot Fiber™ simulates the hand of the surgeon thanks to the precise manipulator and the ergonomic design, giving a perfect control to the urologist.
The typical shape of the fiber tip allows treating the upper end of prostate without any view obstruction in a radius of 360º.
The rounded lens integrated in the tip of the Hook Shot Fiber™ constantly corrects the energy delivery. The energy applied is easily controlled thanks to a very precise delivery.
No degradation of Hook Shot Fiber™ during the surgery thanks to the self-cleaning surface of the tip that avoids the tissue to stick on it and carbonize.

prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treatment of the prostate.